Often times referred to as home missions, this ministry has impacted many churches in our denomination. Our church used this fund when we were building this church. Funds from this ministry were used to give us the beautiful car port we have today. Next time its raining, and you can pull up and walk in dry, thank this ministry.
CONTEST 2023-2024
This year we are going to have a Tortoise and the Hare contest. There will be 3 Sundays this church year in which we will compete to bring in the best offering, January 28th, March 10th, and April 7th. This offering will be “To Grow the Seed for Churches in Need”.
Tortoise team will be captained by James Buck and the Hare team by Sophia Staker
All competition is in good fun and participating for a good cause. There are many churches struggling today, and this is one way our church can be helpful outside our four walls. Please consider donating to this effort. If you would like to make a donation online, click the button below. In the additional information, specify which team, Tortoise or Hare, you would like to receive your donation.